Monday, August 24, 2009

Origins of Paragon Radio Ch. 3

Track Three Do I really Like Music

Radio Wave sipped her hot tea and gazed out the window. She arrived at The Lonesome Tear early so that she would be there to greet Buddha. She was at top physical status and felt carefree and happy. Maybe she could finally live a normal life.

Buddha walked into the café and looked around. He caught sight of Radio Wave with her back to the door and looking out the window. He walked up next to her and placed his hand on her back.

“Hey there hon.”

Radio Wave smiled and stood up to kiss Buddha. Her soft lips pressed against Buddha’s lips. He held her close for a moment. Time seemed to stop for the both of them.

“What have you been up to today?”

Buddha waved at the waitress.

“Oh nothing much. I went to Freedom Corps to let them know where I have been and then came here. Hi, can I get a slice of apple pie and some coffee.”

The waitress nodded her hand and went into the kitchen. Buddha sat down and leaned back in his chair and looked at Radio Wave. He heard faint music in the back of his mind.

“I wanted to ask you something. There’s going to be a rave at Everett Lake Stage. I was wondering if you would like to go with me there.”

“I didn’t know you were into rave music.”

“Well, not into it per say, I just…we’ve never really been on a date before and I kind of thought that maybe going to the rave would be a nice start.”

“In that case, I would love to go.”

Buddha smiled.

“Since, we are on the subject, what kind of music do you like anyways?”

Radio Wave placed her empty cup on the table.

“I like many types of music. There might be songs I don’t like but I pretty much like all genres. Music has been a part of my life since I was young. There was a time that I could only hear music but I was able to control it and now I can either tune it out or simply lower the volume on it.”

Song Five

Radio Wave began her life as any normal child carefree and not a clue. One night her parents forgot to close her crib properly. She woke up and climbed up the side of the crib. It gave away and she fell out. She rolled across the floor and hit her head against the leg of the bed. The injury caused a strange mutation to begin. As she grew up she started hearing music everywhere she went. For years she pushed it aside and simply didn’t pay attention to it. When she hit fifteen she jumped out of bed and screamed for help. The volume of the music jumped out of control. She felt like she was standing in a room filled with speakers with the volume set to max. Her parents raced to the room. They found her passed out on the floor. She had slipped into a deep coma. In her dreams she could hear music from all around the world. When she came out of her coma she thought it nothing more then an episode and was released. At eighteen she had learned what was wrong with her. She was picking up radio frequencies from all over the world. She had never passed high school. During, her senior year she was walking down the hallway when a group of male students dragged her into a classroom. She was tied up and left in a corner of girls. Reaper’s had snuck into the school disguised as students with intentions of harvesting body parts. The girls attempted to resist but the Eidolon’s kept the girl’s in place. Radio Wave was to be the first to be killed. The Eidolon motioned for her to stand. She could feel the creature try to enter her mind. She was immune to the creature’s mind control. The thing walked over and picked her up. As her fear built up, so did her powers. The young girls could hear faint music playing in the room. Her determination to help these girls escape death grew. The Eidolon untied Radio Wave and it turned around and looked at its company. Radio Wave untied the rest of the girls and told them to run. Reapers reacted quickly but before they could stop the girls, the Eidolon raised its hand and tentacles burst from the ground and wrapped around their legs. Radio Wave stood to the side of the Eidolon. Hatred filled her thoughts and the music in the room changed. Radio Wave exited the room and closed the door. She could hear the screams of the reapers as the Eidolon performed its new duties. The Eidolon stepped out of the room and walked towards the exit of the building with a bag soaked with blood. Radio Wave backed against the wall. She had caused the death of someone. She dropped out of school and vanished. She was blamed for the deaths of the reapers and an investigation was sent forth to find her. She arrived in Paragon City. It was here that she learned that she was not the only one with these powers. She came across many that did. However, her power was far greater then theirs. She joined Freedom Corps and joined the ranks of super heroes and graduated top of the controller class. She learned to control the frequencies her mind was picking up and how to use her powers for good instead of evil. Although, the reapers got what was coming to them, she has lived the guilt of causing someone to be torn apart. She vowed to never do that again.

Buddha walked out of the café holding Radio Wave’s hand. He placed his shades back on and turned to her.

“I’ll pick you up at your apartment and we can go there together okay?”

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her softly.

“I’ll see you at eight alright hon.”


Radio Wave stood on her toes and kissed Buddha.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

As she got farther away, the music died out. Buddha smacked his fore head.

“Wait a minute. You idiot why aren’t you walking her home you dunce. Hey Radio wait up!”