Monday, August 9, 2010

Music Returners

Over the course of centuries music has taken many forms. In the 21st century music had found its way into the digital era. It could now be stored on a device no bigger then a thumb and could be carried where ever a person chose to go. As the technological world advanced so did music's form.

By the 23rd century cybernetics were open to the public and no longer restricted for military and medical professions. Society used implanted cybernetics to either enhance their bodies or to give them a way to access the digital world. With built in music implants people could now listen to their favorite music at any time they wanted without the use of having to carry a digital device and headphones. Early models lacked any control and users could upload music files into their minds but could not choose which files played. With software upgrades as well as additional cybernetic implants a user could now access a heads up display within their own eyes and access files.

As the years went by music continued to gain power. With software and cybernetic upgrades users could now visually see the music they listened too. Users could connect to each others digital libraries or radio stations and stream or even download music files. The more users dived into cybernetic music the more the problem of cybernetic music use continued to grow.

On August 16th, 2252 a bill had been past to put a stop to cybernetic music. It was believed that users were becoming too distracted in everyday life due to music. Music cybernetics became banned from workplaces and soon within cities. Music was restricted to concert halls and only allowed to be listened to if the music was from a live performance. However, music would not be held back.

Users that refused to obey the music laws were frowned upon in society and earned the name Note Jacker's. These users joined together and stayed connected through the use of an underground radio station. As Note Jacker's began to rise in one country. Music was having its full potential pushed to the limits in another country.

Dr. Dina Kannes formed a research group to learn more about the powers of music after witnessing a patient's health improve greatly after being allowed to listen to music as a final dieing request. However, seeing an improvement in daily production from locations that had music bans, the university ejected Dr. Kannes for being a Note Jacker. But her research would continue.

Dr. Kannes formed her own group of Note Jackers dedicated to the evolution of music cybernetics. Through her research music found a way to take an almost physical form. Her cybernetics could now store the sound of music which could be used to stimulate regenerative cells in the human body. Music could now not only heal the soul it could now heal the physical body. Dr. Kannes' cybernetics evolved and spread through the underworld and reached the Note Jacker society.

Note Jacker's kept their cybernetics secret using music itself to mask them from music cybernetic senors installed throughout cities. But it was not enough for Music. It wanted to be released into the more public world.

On March 23, 2254 a group of Note Jackers found themselves in an argument over which artist started punk music. The Note Jacker's erupted into a fight. One of the Note Jacker's was hit hard enough that his cybernetics were exposed and damaged. Furious, the Note Jacker shoved his opponent. Music blasted from the Note Jacker's hands and threw his opponent through the wall. Hoping it was not just a fluke he raised hands to the other Note Jacker's that opposed him.

Music could now heal and harm a person. Still filled with hatred for being ejected from the university Dr. Kannes used the news of a malfunctioned implant to create music cybernetics that allowed for the user to manifest music into more physical forms. She learned each type of music had a different use when turned into a physical type form. While calming instrumental music proved to be much more effective in healing, hard rock music proved to be more effective in causing explosive damage. Using her new cybernetics she attack the university and for the first time in history music had become a true weapon.

Dr. Kannes was convicted and given the death penalty. Yet her cybernetics would live on. Modified versions of her cybernetics were now used in live performances to help bring music to life and give amazing visual displays. The unmodified versions of her cybernetics continued to spread in the underground. Soon Note Jacker's began forming genre based gangs. This brought about music rivalry and turf wars. The Music Wars had begun.

At the start of the 24th century it was clear that cybernetic music had to be stopped. A full music ban was placed upon society. Live performances ceased. Radio station's shut down. All instruments and sheet music were now stored in hidden warehouses throughout the country. A network of scramble towers were built in every region. Note Jacker's could not listen to the underground stations and could not access their own music.

While many Note Jacker's had their cybernetics removed many others simply reentered the general society in hopes that one day their cybernetics would pick up a song. The remaining few whom refused to lose their music joined together and formed their own small communities located in the outskirts where the scramble signals could not reach.

As the years passed the absence of music took its toll on the world. Life was dull. The planet itself even seemed to suffer as much of its green surface turned into dieing wastelands. Military placed in cities kept watchful eyes on anyone that exhibited any form of music. However, music would not allow itself to cease to exist. Music had a final hope.

Many Note Jacker communities vanished. The final remaining Note Jacker's joined together in an abandoned underground radio station and formed the last community of Note Jacker's. It was here that the Music Returners was formed. Using what was available to them they developed cybernetics that blocked out the scramble signals and allowed them to use their music weapon cybernetics. However to save the world from music suppression they would have to do more then block signals or tear down scramble towers. They would need to find where the signal was originating from. Five Note Jacker's were chosen for this mission. Each specializing in specific fields of music. And it is this task force which I belong too. Music took care of our world. And now its our turn to return the favor.